LaMorena |
My Collage Society partner, Jan Clem, and I, with many volunteers and two professional hangers, hung the NW Collage Society Winter 2016 Show Thursday and Friday. It was a massive task to hang 86 pieces of art but it is done and it looks great!
On Thursday afternoon several of us went to a Mexican restaurant for a 4:00 lunch after one long day of show preparation. We were starved but we found an atmosphere of atmospheres to dine in. Wherever I go I look for ephemera. First, I asked the waitress where they got the wallpaper. It had a terrific texture. No one seemed to know but one of the diners at my table asked me if I still had my exacto knife on me?? No, but maybe next time! :-) Then when the bill came, it was in a Jalapeno pepper can. I coveted the can because of the label but I could not talk the waitress out of one. She did tell me I could find the cans at Safeway.
So when all the diners got outside of the restaurant I was provided one of the cans from a diner who will not be named. We had a good laugh over this one. This diner had scooped out the cans and found that the restaurant had a supply not only on the wait staff table by the front door but in the kitchen. So I do not feel so bad about the sticky fingered diner's task.
This is now known as
The Case of the Missing Pepper Can!
The spread LaMorena was completed in my envelope journal. My Swedish friend, Ingrid provided the envelope on the right. Her collaborative part is the four green circles on the right which were on the back of the envelope. Thanks Ingrid! :-)