
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 1003

12 Mini Journal Project - 1003

 This one might be my favorite of this mini journal.  I like that the goat is looking at the viewer.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 1002

12 Mini Journal Project - 1002

 It finally cooled down 30 degrees and we could open the house up this morning.  105 degrees is just not understood in the Pacific NW,

Monday, June 28, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 1001

12 Mini Journal Project - 1001

 Mini no. 10 honors the mountain goat.  They are amazing animals.  Pacific NW First Nation residents would go up into the mountains and harvest the hair that they found stuck to bushes and such.  A few years ago I saw a blanket that had mountain goat hair woven into it.  Cool!

Sunday, June 27, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 904

12 Mini Journal Project - 904

 You probably have heard but the Pacific NW is having a heat wave and it is amazingly hot.  Today may reach 102 degrees and Monday 105 degrees.  TOO HOT!

video of the ninth of twelve.....

Saturday, June 26, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 903

12 Mini Journal Project - 903

 I find the color tones are quite pleasing in this spread.  The addition of the red blossoms on the cactus draw my eye away from the insect toward the left and up.

Friday, June 25, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 902

12 Mini Journal Project - 902

 This one really works for me.  I love the colors and design.  There is quite a bit of variety.  These bugs have been fun to work with.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 901

12 Mini Journal Project - 901

 The ninth or twelve is all about insects.  I found some pretty interesting looking bugs….beetles I guess.  They are so colorful.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 803


12 Mini Journal Project - 803

That is just what a rooster does....Ecoute, M’sieur.  Listen, Mister.  They are all about the attention.

Monday, June 21, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 802


12 Mini Journal Project - 802

I am liking how the focal point, the rooster, is semi-camouflaged into the background.  I have pen work to do on two more mini journals and I will be finished with this project of twelve mini journals.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 801


12 Mini Journal Project - 801

I imagine that roosters personalities are very demanding.  They have to be with the job of waking up the sun and all the people of world when the sun comes up. I thought the French word “maintenant” was perfect because it means “now”.  So it is as if you need to wake up now.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 704

12 Mini Journal Project - 704

Today we say goodbye to the armadillos.  I think this one is my favorite as I like the composition.  There seems to be a balance.  My eye goes from the armadillo to the green lantern and then the two flowers.  The three form a triangle and thus movement.

Friday, June 18, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 703

12 Mini Journal Project - 703

Who would have thought that I would match up armadillos with Chinese lanterns?  :-)

Thursday, June 17, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 702

12 Mini Journal Project - 702

 When I was in basic training in the army we went out on night maneuvers.  Our task was to go from point A to point B without getting captured by the enemy.  My team of four were bound and determined not to be captured.  It was pitch black and we could not see much as we progressed through the forest.  All of a sudden something rushed past me and I yelled out because I was startled.  It was an armadillo.  I certainly was not expecting to be “caught” by an armadillo that night.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 701

12 Mini Journal Project - 701

 The seventh mini of twelve is all about armadillos.  This one is pretty much camouflaged.  Can you find it?  Look for the tail or the head.  I have an armadillo story which I will relate tomorrow.  Stay tuned.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 604

12 Mini Journal Project - 604

The zebra made it across all spreads.  Maybe I could call this the Traveling Zebra Mini.


Monday, June 14, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 603


12 Mini Journal Project - 603

Zebra On the Move might be a appropriate title for this spread.  This piece reminds of several of Henri Rousseau’s works.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 602

12 Mini Journal Project - 602

 You will notice as you view the zebra spreads that the zebras are moving across the spreads.  I love how the lines on the zebra contrast with the rest of the patterns in the spread.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 601

12 Mini Journal Project - 601


Mini Journal No. 6 of 12 is all about zebras. As I reflect on this mini journal I have to also reflect on a comment yesterday by artist Jacki Long.  Jacki’s comment was about favorites.  It made me think about the ever changing idea of favorites.  We can have a favorite one minute and it can change to something else in yet another minute.  Favorites can evolve and actually one can have more than one favorite although the word does indicate preferred above all others. One could say I have many favorites and it does not mean that a previous favorite is now disliked.  So thanks Jacki for sparking a conversation in my brain about something that I had never really spent time thinking about.  Thoughts on the word favorite?

Friday, June 11, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 504

12 Mini Journal Project - 504


Now that I look at the last spread of the fifth mini journal in this series I am pleased that I did not do pen work this time.  I think each stood just fine without it.


Thursday, June 10, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 503


12 Mini Journal Project - 503

Maybe I should call this mini The Jonathan Livingston Seagull journal.  Do you remember that book?

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 502


12 Mini Journal Project - 502

Again, no pen work but I did use Stabilo water solvable pencils.  

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 501

12 Mini Journal Project - 501

Mini journal no. 5 of 12 spreads each have a face, an arrow, a seagull, and some writing.  I did not do pen work and think I should go back and do it.

Monday, June 7, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 404


12 Mini Journal Project - 404

Another look of surprise.  Maybe there is a killer bee heading her direction! :-)


Sunday, June 6, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 403

12 Mini Journal Project - 403

 Each of the image focal points, the people, are looking at something.  I do not know what.  No matter as that makes it even more interesting.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 402


12 Mini Journal Project - 402

Today I worked on the felt crow I am making.  I thought I was pretty much done but then I took a photo of it and did not like the head.  So I spent time working on the head.  Now I have to let it sit for awhile so that fresh eyes will tell me if I am done or need other adjustments.

I also worked on mini journal six of twelve.  Tomorrow I will do pen work and see how it turns out.  I have to figure out what goes with zebras.

Friday, June 4, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 401

12 Mini Journal Project - 401

 I finished a huge project today that has taken me many days to complete.  I joined in with a postcard exchange through the San Diego Books Arts Guild.  There are seven book arts groups and 175 participants in the postcard exchange.  We were divided into groups of 16.  The theme for the postcards was Wish You Were Here and we were to create something about where we live.  I will share mine next month sometime.  Our next task is to create some sort of book to house the 16 postcards that we will receive.  August 1 is the deadline for that.  I think I will create a clamshell box but there are other choices for me to explore.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 304


12 Mini Journal Project - 304

Don’t you wonder what is on people’s minds sometimes.  Maybe we don’t want to know!  Hmm!


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 303

12 Mini Journal Project - 303

 There needed to be black on the left side of the spread, perhaps there could be even more of it.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

12 Mini Journal Project - 302

12 Mini Journal Project - 302

 Have I told you my plan for the top of the box that will house all twelve mini journals?  I found a pattern for making crows out of felt.  It all seems pretty simple.  My idea is to create a small crow which will be sitting on a finial atop of the handmade box.  See box below.....