
Sunday, December 4, 2016

Graffiti Series # 11

Graffiti Series # 11

I love using vintage photos in my collages....oh yeah.....you knew that!  I scored big time this summer at a garage sale finding a huge box of photos for $7.00.  Whenever I purchase them at antique stores they are at least $1.00 per photo.  I add graphite around the photo to blend the edge with the rest of the collage.

Yesterday, I participated in an art sale with two other artists.  We were busy all day with shoppers and I sold quite a few journals and several of the graffiti series.  Thanks to all the shoppers and others who stopped by to support us.  By the way, I sold South Indiana Avenue this past week.  I am thrilled!


jacki long said...

Congratulations, no surprise that the lucky people appreciated
& bought your journals & works.
South Indiana Avenue was a favorite! ♥

Claudia MB said...

Looks like the lady in the photo is made because the guy won't give her a ride!

Glad to hear the sale was a success. The journals were gorgeous -- I'm not surprised they sold well.