San Francisco Postcard 08 |
There are so many neighborhoods to explore in SF. Each one has a flavor all its own. I went to a Mah Jongg meetup yesterday. I drove because it was pretty far away.....30 minutes just to get there and then there was no parking, only one hour and a few two hour spaces. Thank goodness I went early because to find a parking space I followed the M line until I found a neighborhood with unlimited parking on the street. Then I took the M line back to Mah Jongg. Next week I will just take the J Church line and then transfer to the M. Much easier and I will see more things since I won’t have to drive.
I don’t know the name of this flowering plant. Gorgeous! |
Another beauty. I love your exploring, do you play Mah Jongg?
Abutelon. Common name Chinese Lantern Plant.😉
Abutilon is one of my favorites. That is a very red one. Pretty.
Where are you getting all the vintage sf text. It is so YOU!
You are stalwart...navigating the streets of SF via car and bus. Have you tried BART yet.
This experience will be a memory for sure.
Miss you.
Sold four collages! Butterscotch Girl went yesterday. Show ends tomorrow it has been a wonderful opportunity to spread the word about halvzies!
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