Easy as ABC (cover) |
Easy as ABC (inside) |
Each year I get quite a bit of snail mail that I file away and I think about doing something with. For instance, I belong to an international ATC group and the envelopes frequently come to me decorated amazingly. What to do with them? They are unlike Christmas card envelopes that are usually boring....I guess I could make something out of them as well But the snail mail envelopes have a great deal of amazing effort put forth on them already. So I started binding them into signatures and the signatures were bound together to make a journal. I plunked on a cover and I have a new journal to work in.
I add ephemera and paint to the envelope sides that have nothing. Occasionally I will have the perfect something to add to what one of the sender artists has already done. What I have in the end is a lovely journal created as a cooperative effort even though the artists did not know that is what they were doing. Now that secret is out! Thanks to you all!
Prior to making this journal I just happened to be surfing on the internet and I was on
Judy Wise's blog. She had made a journal out of recycled materials.....grocery bag and cheese cloth. Perfect, I knew what I was going to do with the snail mail envelopes. Although I did not follow her directions to the T, I did use the paper bag and cheese cloth idea. Thanks Judy!