
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

February 2022 APC - 4


I love finding and using something that came from a larger composition and cropping it to reuse in an unintended way,  The generator has been fixed at the cabin.  Yeah!  It was expensive getting a repairman to come all the way up into the mountains but he did a fantastic job.  Yeah for off-grid living. :-)


jacki long said...

And, yea for your off-grid art, just great!

tgarrett said...

I am loving this series John. Also so happy the generator is fixed.

Robert said...

Really like the color combinations you have used in 4, 5, and 6! I also love the fact that the man with the horse in this piece is just about to walk out of the composition on the left. That goes against compositional rules, but because of the way you have arranged the elements on the left, it works beautifully. Also, very glad that you are back in business with the generator!

Robert said...

I meant: “the way you have arranged elements on the right”.