Harriet # 2 |
Harriet # 1 |
For one of my April ATCs I decided to use a photo that I purchased at the Long Beach Flea Market last October. One night during dinner conversation with my partner the topic turned to how these old photos are all of dead people and strangers. Now they have a sort of rebirth through collage. It would be wonderful to know their real story. However, they now can have a new story that each viewer conjures for himself/herself. I did these collages back-to-back on the 3.5 x 2.5 inch ATC card.
Yes, I always wonder about these old photos. Who are they? Why are they at a flea market instead of in someones family albums? It is nice to have a back story........making one up has to do!
Maybe there is a site called 'Do you know who this is?' So many people are into genealogy nowadays.
I love the Harriet #1 colourway.
My story for Harriet. She was from a well to do family. An independent soul, she spent her time traveling and seeing the world. She fell in love with a man from a European circus and her father disowned her. In retaliation she decided to start her own successful company, which made circus tents, cages, etc. Mario her husband from the circus died from a rare African disease hunting animals for the circus. In her sorrow Harriet became a spy during the first world war. Many people were saved as she designed her circus wagons to carry people hidden in the bottoms of the lion and tiger cages. She again found love from a french spy Pierre, who was a famous chef. They opened a very successful restaurant on the left bank that is still there today. She had ten children between Mario and Pierre and was a wonderful grandmother to her many grand-children. She lived to be 107 and was known for her fashion sense and sharp wit, and keep business sense to her death.
I love your account of Harriet. You have additional talents, Brian! Write on!
John- how wonderful Brian did that story and Brian what a great story- you and John continue to amaze and delight me!
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