
Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Gas Station Attendant Notices Something is Wrong!

The Gas Station Attendant Notices Something is Wrong

Sometimes all the ephemera "planets" align and a piece just works in so many ways.  This is one that did that for me.


Kungs vs Cookin’ on 3 Burners - This Girl 

I understand this is a remix with two groups......a French DJ put it together and and an Australian group orginally had produced the song.  This is HOT!  Now that is saying something from a nearly 67 year old man! :-)  Well, I have not lost the beat!  So there youngsters!


jacki long said...

Great combo, you do it so well.
Have a great weekend. ;o)

Claudia MB said...

I love it! And not just because of the giant beetle!

Irene Rafael said...

LOVE this!! You're a MASTER!! The music vid was fun too. xo