
Monday, October 13, 2014

Cock Fight

Cock Fight
I just plain do not understand fighting.  Any fighting!   What is it that makes someone want to watch or partake in hurting another person.  It must be that testosterone is a major factor.  Although I know that there are some women who engage in physical behavior as well....think roller derby!

Historically we humans have engaged in brutality of the worse kind.....think the Roman Coliseum. One could make a long list of other similar societal or individual acts.

Whether it be verbal or physical I just don't get it.  In my relationship of 22 years we have never had a fight.  Early on we decided that we would discuss anything on which we disagreed.  Never is there a raised voice.

In creating Cock Fight I thought about societies where it seems there is less concern about the power over another.  Sweden and Finland and Norway come to mind.  Hence, I give my nod to Scandinavia by including the stamp that my friend Ingrid used on an envelope to me.


Claudia MB said...

Well, if there has to be fighting, I prefer to see the animal watching the people fight vs. people making animals fight.

Cate Rose said...

That's a really great card! I agree with you about fighting, especially the latter day pseudo entertainment versions.

anonymous said...

Good colour and pattern anyway, whatever the subject!

ingridp said...

Nodding back