Retchoso cover |
Retchoso spine |
I discovered this binding technique while surfing Pinterest. It took me four days of looking and reading about the technique to figure out how to do it. It is a Japanese binding technique and really is easy once one figures is all out. The reason that it took me so long was that the diagram was not clear to me. Once I found a write up on how to bind using this method and combined that with the diagram I got it. The instructions ask for five signatures which are either single pages with a fold or a single sheet folded in half.
The cover was really fun to make. I used molding paste through a stencil on book board. I collaged the covers using papers that I made using specific colors. I had seen a matador costume that I really liked and used the colors in the costume.
I have now tried more than five signatures and it works just the same. To pronounce the name Retchoso the o’s are long vowels.
I like it and your adventurous attitude...
I agree with Bea, always an adventure and fun! Bravo John!
Like I have said John you amaze and inspire me. Just amazing to me.
What a lovely one - the spine seems to hold the whole nice and square. Your work always looks so neat and professional even when you say it's the first one of a kind! Perhaps you should take photos of the steps and give a link to the description so others don't have the difficulties you have had! cr
These are simply beautiful! I am hoping at some point we will see a photo of all the books, stacked on a table or book case! It must be somewhat emotional to see them altogether...
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