
Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Yet Another Mini - spread 08


A friend of mine has been collecting smashed bottle caps off the road or parking lots for years.  I always thought that I would never find any myself as I thought the “supply” was limited.  However, that is not the case.  I have been finding them just by keeping my head looking down when I cross parking lots especially near the grocery store.  I have also got to smashing my own as well.  There is something about taking the hammer to a bunch of bottle caps.



anonymous said...

Know what you mean about smashing things. I horrified the son of old friends when I said I only had to see a brick lying on the path to feel tempted to chuck it through a window! Haven't done it yet - will know I've finally lost it if I do. xcr

jacki long said...

good way to work off a little tension, john.