
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Already Making Connections for the Next Date

Already Making Connections for the Next Date
Before cell phones we were connected by wires.  Such freedom we now have with those invisible sound waves bouncing off satellites.  Except is there really any privacy anymore?  I hear conversations people are having on their phones wherever I go, the grocery, Lowe's, outside the library.  Do I really want to hear them?  Get use to it, John, it is unavoidable.


Cate Rose said...

Great collage! I don't want to hear others' crap, either. And it's always the loud, obnoxious people who scream into their phones so everyone else can hear. Just another reason I hermitize as much as possible.

jacqueline said...

Hi John, I love these story posts! Thank you for my story card.....can u send me your address again please....I have one to return:-)

anonymous said...

Best one I heard was a really loud woman on the train ordering stuff and paying for it with her card and giving out details. This went on and on and everyone was doing eyes to heaven looks at each other. Finally we all heard her answer a call and sound indignant. It was one of the other passengers using the info to phone her and quote her credit card number back to her. She sounded huffy - everyone else just fell about laughing. Hope it taught her a lesson. Like your pic.

Brian Kasstle said...

Wonderful John, I hear loud cellphone conversations all the time. So annoying.

john said...

That is so funny! I have to repeat your story to some friends. :-)

tgarrett said...

Love this one- and yes- this dates me but when I was small we had a party line!