24 Brand Spankin' New Postcards - 10 |
I do not keep track of where each specific postcard goes. Once it is released in the mail it is gone. I do know who I have sent postcards to over time, just not which one. I keep all of the postcards that I receive in clamshell boxes or in fabric journals that I have made. My only record of the ones that I have made is on this blog. What a nice way to archive them!
This is a lovely postcard, John. I enlarge and study
The first thing that caught me was how well the brown works, and I don't think we use brown as much? Also, the added blue is masterful at uniting this piece. Bravo, John!
A really pleasing composition due to the elongated plant forms stretching the vertical length of the piece and the lovely balance created between the bird and the girl. Terrific use of color as well!
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