
Friday, December 20, 2019

Tiny Collages for Spider Book

Tiny Collage 04

Tiny Collage 05

Tiny Collage 06

My emphasis on the tiny collages is the background.  I call it painting with paper. While working on them I imagine them as huge pieces of art.


jacki long said...

Success, they are terrific, John!

tgarrett said...

These are wonderful John- now of course I want to make a spider book- that must be the one in the Hedi Kyle book

anonymous said...

Nolde is one of my most favourite painters. When he was forbidden to paint during WWII, he used watercolour because it doesn't smell and tiny scraps of paper or bits of old paintings. In time he used an epidiascope and could see (as you imagine in your post) how these tiny works would look huge. I even bought an epidiascope at great expense (then) but hit a snag when I didn't have the distance in my house to a blank wall so I could judge the effect of each size I tried! In the end I gave it to an art school where an 'old-fashioned' lecturer was pleased because he could throw up images from lots of different books during his talks without preparing a 'script' on a laptop. cr