ATC - January 2019 International Group 02 |
The series continues even if it is out of order. I guess I was jet-lagged yesterday. I really like how this series came together. Sometimes the stars and planets align and all components seem to work well together.
I will start adding art videos next week probably. I am taking a break from that aspect of the blog. I was really blotto yesterday. Jet-lag seems to be worse going west and I was totally out of it all day. I could not seem to light on any one thing to occupy my time. I felt like a butterfly flitting about.
The book arts workshop that I took in the Shetland Islands was fantastic. We made eight differnet sample books with eight different binding stitches. We then recreated each with a more substantial cover. Within each of the eight books we had different tasks. I will share the books in the near future.
This coming weekend I am off to Newport, OR to teach at the Newport Paper and Book Arts Festival. It is always a good time.