
Monday, June 23, 2014

Ladies' Hats

Ladies' Hats

I started a series of four postcards over a week ago.  Yesterday I worked on this one, Ladies' Hats.  I added tar gel over a stencil to the lower portion of the card after I had already scanned it.  There has to be some surprise for the intended receiver! :-)  My friend Michele had used tar gel in this manner on a round robin journal page and I loved the technique.  So I have been using it in some of my work lately. Thanks Michele.


Cate Rose said...

Love this one. The colors are so beautiful, especially!

jacqueline said...

Hi there john. What dies the tar gel do through the stencil? I can't see from the photo.
Does it give texture with transparency ?
I enjoy your posts - always inspiring. A friend and I have just started a postcard swap - because of reading your blog! Thank you