
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Women Power of the 1940s

Women Power of  the 1940's
During WWII women worked jobs that previously had been male dominated fields.  Building ships and airplanes, well, you know the story of Rosie the Riveter who worked in the factories while the men were at war.  A book I discovered at a moving sale included many pictures of this time period.  I was taken by these women who were ship builders in the 1940's.  Adding the photographs to this spread honors those brave and industrious women.


jacki long said...

Oh, I so love this one John. My Aunt Martha, a teacher, made tires during the war effort. My Mom learned to fly to help, my Aunt Vonda, a teacher, followed her new husband in the Air Force to wherever they sent him and did whatever kind of labor she could find there ... and on and on. This is a beautiful tribute. The colors are divine! And, of course I love your chop, it seems to carry as windows? Wow! Thank YOU John!

Cate Rose said...

Yes! Bring on the strong women! LOVE this spread and the photos!

amy of studio four corners said...

great piece...and I love your watercolor background on your blog page and your new header...

anonymous said...

Yes - great stuff. Shame was, they were expected to return to the pinny and the kitchen sink when the men came home again! And were thereafter for decades offered peanuts for any jobs they were allowed to take.

Brian Kasstle said...

This is such a wonderful spread John. I love the photos.

I also love your new background and header.