Syd and Blue #3 |
Syd and Blue #3 is the cover of the signature that I just finished and will put in the mail to Sweden to my friend, Ingrid, but will return to me once Ingrid's spreads are complete. As you can see the word BARN is spelled out in letters which came from puzzle pieces that I got at a flea market. The barn photo was taken not far from the Stillaguamish river north of Everett, Washington. The fabric lines are leftovers from my friend, Maggie, who lives on Orcas Island
This is so beautiful...really awesome. Love the colors, the fabric, every bit of it!
I'm staying with #2 - it's so successful! But I love that set of letters - I'm sure you'll find lots of times to use them. Old-style graphic design was often so clever and the faded colours so pleasing.
This is really COOL!
OK- this may be my favorite yet- wow John!
Totally charming and captivating! ♥♥♥
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