Fashion Series #3 |
This piece is #3 in the Fashion Series. The background is stenciled using spray paint with rub-off butterflies. To make the background I scanned pages that I had made for a journal. I printed the scan on tissue paper and then adhered it to the ATC size card. Next the butterflies were added and then the historical fashion figure. I absolutely love creating the backgrounds using tissue paper. I recently read about gampi tissue paper and sent for some which has yet to arrive. Supposedly using gampi will eliminate any paper line in larger collages. I will let you know.
I would love to see each one repeated in a lengthening row as you add to the series! Silk gampi is wondrous but so expensive! I've found it best to 'cut' it with a wet brush. Where did you read about it? Sanding the edge of cheaper papers a la Anne Bagby is great for losing the bump.
Oh I love this background! Hmmmm very interested in gampi tissue papers!
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