
Sunday, August 12, 2012


From 1983 to 1985 I lived in Japan teaching third and fourth grade on an American base.  My arrival at Narita Airport after a ten hour flight almost sent me on the next plane home.  No one met me as promised.  I was left to my own devices to get to my new home three hours from the airport.  I am glad I stayed as my experience was totally amazing.  I was the only gaijin or foreigner in my neighborhood.  I learned to drive in Tokyo traffic and eat many unusual foods. It was a cultural feast for me.  This piece takes me down memory lane,  an experience I hope one day to repeat. 



Julie-Anne McDonald said...

This one has such life. I love the colors and the way the hot ones brig the eye around the piece. I am happy to see the theme expressed this way, rather than trying to make it look Asian.

john said...

Thanks Julie-Anne. It has a flavor. I loved living near Tokyo. My weekend adventures brought me many surprises and I have a treasure full of memories.