At an estate sale this past May I found two photographs of a boy. These photos were the inspiration for what has become the "Donnie Series." I thought Donnie looked like a rascal and, in no time at all, a story developed around the five photos entitled Innocent? Since I am into postcard art I made several copies of Innocent? to send to artist friends. One artist was inspired to create her own card for the series. It is entitled Donnie Grown Up. Irene Rafael, the artist, decided that Donnie would take on a sinister life as an outlaw. I have included Irene's work below.
Innocent? was also created to honor artist Orly Avineri. I met Orly when I took a postcard creation class from her at ArtFest 2012 in Port Townsend, Washington. Orly is an inspiring artist and teacher. Her blog may be found at . Orly has just published her first book and you will find details about ordering it on her blog site. I am enthralled with Orly's works in her book and on her blog. Both are a journey well worth taking.
I am hopeful that I have set up this blog correctly so that you may click on the "postcards" allowing them to enlarge so that you can read about Donnie and the other characters in his life.
Donnie's Innocent? inspired Irene Rafael to create Donnie Grown Up.
Donnie Grown Up |
DJ, the Outlaw |
After I received Irene's card in the mail I was even more inspired. Thanks Irene. Ideas just flowed and Donnie's mother's character and more of Donnie evolved. It seems that when I go to bed at night my mind starts creating Donnie stories. I wake up around 4:00, if not earlier, and have to start creating. Ideas just burst forth, problems are solved, and I must get started working on the art and writing the vignettes.
Smokin' Donnie just could not wait to be created. Who doesn't love the photo of Donnie and Rosita?
Smokin' Donnie |
Because of Irene's influence,
Belle's Dilemma followed next. Poor Belle is troubled and having a difficult time with Donnie. Belle and Donnie live in and around Dodge City, Kansas during the height of the wild west.
Belle's Dilemma |
More Donnie stories are in the works. Wyatt Earp will be making an appearance. Mrs. Watson becomes a hostage in a bank heist, and Donnie's granddaughter joins Ziegfeld's Follies. So stay tuned!
What is nice about the Donnie Series, is that stories can evolve and they don't have to be sequential. Perhaps they will become sequential one day. Only time will tell.
Over the past months I have come to know several artists who have encouraged me to share my work. Hence, this blog got its' heart and soul. I want to thank Seth Apter, Brian Kasstle, Orly Avineri, Jill K. Berry, Irene Rafael, Jane Davies, Carla Sonheim and Juliana Coles for their inspirations. Links to their blogs may be found under Artists Who Inspire Me to the right. I may have come late to art, but I definitely feel that I am now alive!